Speech therapy is an intervention technique that helps children with speech and swallowing difficulties. The speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are highly trained and skilled professionals who can provide these services to children and adults. To help patients overcome many difficulties, they often work together.
Adults and children who have difficulty communicating with others may also be suffering from mental and behavioral problems, low confidence levels, and difficulties in social interaction. These issues can also be addressed by speech therapists. These are the challenges speech therapy Sydney may help you with:
1. Speech Therapy Better Articulation
It is crucial to articulate for people with impaired speech. People improve their communication skills and confidence when they learn how to correctly articulate words. This is evident when children cannot make the “R”, sound. This is often due to a lack of articulatory exercises.
SLPs can be used in many ways to help people understand words. One example is the ‘race for 100 games’. This game involves a board and dice. The child rolls the dice and, when it hits a particular sound, the child shouts it out loud.
2. Improve Swallowing – Speech Therapy
Many people with speech disorders also have difficulty swallowing. Dysphagia is also known as swallowing problems. It can occur due to a stroke, brain injury or multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and other neurological diseases.
An SLP uses a combination of exercises and techniques to improve oral intake and decrease the chance of aspiration. These techniques improve a person’s ability to control their swallowing. These techniques include:
- Technique for head positioning
- Swallow maneuvers
- Biting techniques
- Modifications of food and liquids
Other techniques may be used to improve range of motion (ROM), coordination, strengthening, and coordination of the jaw, lips, and cheek muscles.
3. How Speech Therapy Reduces Stuttering
Stuttering can make it difficult to speak fluently. Stuttering can be greatly reduced by a speech therapist.
An SLP can reduce stuttering through modifications in speech and exercises to strengthen the tongue.
- SLPs can advise patients
- Before the encounter, take deep inhalations and pace your breaths as you talk.
- Talk slowly
- Avoid certain words. Avoid certain words.
- To increase fluency, you can use the trigger words alone.
- Talk in a rhythm
Patients should visualize what they are saying. Rehearsing can make a big difference if the patient is going to speak in public.
4. A More Understandable Accent
Speech therapy doesn’t just help those with a speech disorder. Speech therapy can be used to help those who wish to lose or gain their accent. Speech therapy can be used to alter accents, such as in acting. SLPs can help individuals overcome their accents by learning how they sound. They will examine several sounds to determine if the individual can be taught a new accent.
Understanding the speech rhythm is the first step to learning a new accent. This will help you decide where to put emphasis and when to tone it down. An SLP cannot change an accent because it is not considered a speech disorder.
5. Increased Confidence & Reduced Anxiety
People who are unable to speak well can suffer from anxiety and a decreased level of confidence. They are afraid of being ridiculed and judged by their peers.
An SLP can reduce anxiety by giving patients confidence and control over their speech. It is natural to have a flair for speaking and not make mistakes. This will increase your self-esteem and allow you to live a more independent life.
A good speech therapist can help you initiate communication with others without the need for prompting and determine the best time and place to communicate. This will increase your ability to communicate more effectively with others and decrease anxiety.