The knee joint is made up of three bones: the thighbone (femur), the shinbone (tibia), and the kneecap (patella). Two stretchy wedge-shaped cartilage discs operate as shock absorbers between the thighbone and shinbone.
These discs are called meniscus, and their function is to:
Weight distribution across the joint rather than just one spot
improve stability
Extreme flexion and extension should be avoided.
knee-joint nourishment control knee motions
What causes a meniscus tear?
A meniscus tear is a frequent knee ailment caused by aging or intense physical exercise. It might happen as a result of:
Active activities such as athletics, football, and badminton, among others, that entail bending and squatting the knees weaker cartilage due to aging moving heavy things
What are the different forms of meniscus tears?
Depending on the severity of the symptoms, there are three basic forms of meniscus tears.
Little tear that produces minor discomfort and edema This normally heals in two or three weeks.
A moderate tear causes swelling, stiffness, and limited knee mobility, though the patient can still walk. Symptoms disappear after 1-2 weeks but return after a few weeks or when the individual twists or bends the knee.
Severe tears occur when torn meniscus move into the joint space leading to locked knees. When one moves, a crackling or popping sound is heard. The knees seem to be giving way. Swelling, discomfort, and stiffness may emerge several days after the injury, rather than immediately.
What are the signs and symptoms?
Swelling, stiffness, and pain
Your knee is locked.
A sense that your knees are ‘given up’
Inability to freely move the knee
How is a meniscus tear identified?
Doctors will seek your medical history and discuss the symptoms. He or she will next do a physical examination of your knee, examining for soreness and swelling where the meniscus is present.
A McMurray test is performed in which your knee is bent, straightened, and rotated to listen for a clicking sound. Doctors may also offer X-rays and an MRI scan to confirm a meniscus tear.
What is the therapy for a torn meniscus?
The proper treatment strategy is determined based on the kind, size, and location of the meniscus tear.
Non-surgical treatments are the best approach to mend a tiny tear on the outside margin of the meniscus. Stopping the activity that causes discomfort, utilizing compression with cold packs, avoiding placing weight on your leg, and elevating your leg while resting are all non-surgical treatments.
When the tear is too big to be treated non-surgically, knee arthroscopy is used to trim or suture the torn meniscus tissue.